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Event: O2 Breathe Walk @ The Philadelphia Zoo

Date: Sunday October 2, 2016

One step closer to a cure for Pulmonary Hypertension

Join hundreds of the PH community on Sunday, October 2, 2016 at the Philadelphia Zoo & help us raise crucial funds to advance PHA’s mission.

Participants also get free

admission to the zoo after the walk !

*Let us know if you can make it 908-461-8682

Tshirts available for $20 Payable to “sMiles for Katie”

Event: O2 Breathe Walk @ South Street Seaport

Date: Sunday June 5, 2016

Last year we gathered a group of family and friends to walk in Katie’s honor at the Pulmonary Hypertension Association O2 Breathe walk in NYC. Team “sMiles for Katie” raised over $4425 through online donations.
This year we are committed to also raise awareness to find ways to prevent and cure Pulmonary Hypertension. “sMiles for Katie” team just held our first ever “PHamily Phriendly PHundraiser on           May 7, 2016. Through very generous donations from family, friends and local business we raised over $8,500 to be donated to PHA in honor of Katie.
We will again walk with the Pulmonary Hypertension Association Fourth Annual O2 Breathe Walk.

We would love to have you walk with us. Please look on the website for team “sMiles for Katie” 

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